Ms Audrey GRANDJEAN defended her thesis entitled: ‘Development of analytical methods and portable or transportable instruments for the quantification of formaldehyde in air’ on Tuesday 28 May 2024. This doctoral thesis is the first to be carried out within the framework of the LABCOM anaVOC between ICPEES and Chromatotec. Congratulations Audrey for these 3 years of work on this major analysis topic !

Franck Amiet – Chromatotec ; Anaïs Becker, co-directrice du labcom; Audrey Grandjean ; Stéphane Le Calvé – ICPEES; Damien Bazin, co-directeur du labcom

Isabelle Leray, ENS Paris Saclay PPSM, CNRS ; Mourad Elharibi, LIMA (UMR 7042) ; Stéphane Le Calvé, ICPEES (UMR 7515), Audrey Grandjean ; Damien Bazin, Chromatotec ; Thérèse Salameh, IMT Nord Europe ; Hervé Plaisance, IMT Mines Alès